In modern times, humans have been spoiled by technology. Only with an electronic device the size of a hand, we can listen to a variety of music. The existence of technology is growing rapidly, making mass communication and entertainment media such as radio less desirable. Radio itself was originally introduced by David Sarnoff in 1915. Commercial radio broadcasts began in the 1920s and became popular, especially in Europe and the United States.
However, in the hands of Helmi Suana Permana Hadi, a craftsman from Cipendawa Village, Pacet District, Cianjur Regency, Indonesia, the existence of radio with the theme of vintage returns is increasingly in demand. In 2018 Helmi started the Faber Instrument Indonesia business where with this business, he wanted to reintroduce old nuances such as retro, classic, vintage but with an exclusive feel. Currently Faber Instrument Indonesia has dozens of vintage wooden radio models, Helmi gives a unique name to each model he makes, including the Pangrango, Cibodas, Cipanas, Gunung Padang, Cipendawa, Joglo, Puncak, Cianjur, Ciranjang, Cidaun and Wijaya Kusuma models whose names are is a place name or area name in Cianjur.
Faber Instrument Indonesia was started from a group of youths around the Helmi housing complex. They have the same love for technology and art, including in the field of wood, carpentry, and design. Although now many have emerged along with advances in technology, the presence of antique radios with wood-based materials has increased the fanaticism of radio lovers in the country. The raw materials used by Faber Instrument Indonesia in producing these vintage radios are several types of wood, including teak, Dutch teak, pine and rosewood. It is not uncommon for orders to use bamboo as raw material. The wooden radio that is produced has contemporary features with an old-fashioned feel. Besides having FM waves, the wooden radio can also play songs via USB and bluetooth. The price is still quite affordable.
Faber Instrument is one of the businesses chosen by the government and President Joko Widodo to produce official G20 souvenirs. West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil made this statement after attending the opening of the 2022 International Handicraft Trade Fair (Inacraft) at the Jakarta Convention Center Convention Center, Wednesday (23/3/2022). Faber Instrument has also explored foreign markets. In 2019, Helmi received orders from neighboring countries, namely Malaysia, Singapore, America and Taiwan. In addition to having galleries and marketing via online buying and selling marketplaces. Faber Instrument Indonesia also opens resellers, now there are already resellers joining in the Bandung and Bekasi areas, West Java. Apart from preparing ready-to-use products, Helmi also opens up openness for customers who want to order according to their wishes. For custom radio rates, Helmi said, it depends on the level of complexity of the design requested.

With what Helmi has done, he hopes that what he is doing can become a rule model for being creative in any field. For further information regarding product information, you can view the website:
Instagram : faberinstrumentindonesia
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