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5303 – Coconut – PT Cipta Hassdy Indonesia

PT Cipta Hassdy Indonesia
Kenanga Artha Residence Blok B no. 24 Kel. Cigadung Kec. Subang kab. Subang, jawa Barat
Product : Cocopeat & Cocofiber
Phone : (+62) 8134785888
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Cocopeat, also known as coco fiber pith, is a natural growing medium derived from the husk of coconuts. It is a versatile and eco-friendly material with a wide range of applications, including:1. Horticulture and Agriculture:

Soilless potting mix: Cocopeat is an excellent substitute for traditional soil in potting mixes. It provides excellent aeration, drainage, and water retention, making it ideal for starting seeds, growing plants in containers, and hydroponic systems.

Soil amendment: Cocopeat can be mixed with soil to improve its structure, aeration, and water-holding capacity. This is particularly beneficial for sandy or clay soils that lack these qualities.

Mushroom cultivation: Cocopeat is a popular substrate for growing mushrooms due to its sterile nature, high water retention, and ability to provide support for the growing mycelium.


Coco fiber, also known as coir, is a coarse and strong natural fiber extracted from the outer husk of coconuts. Unlike cocopeat which comes from the inner, pithy part of the husk, coco fiber is the more fibrous material. Here are some of its functions:

1. Industrial Applications:

Rope and twine: Coco fiber is traditionally used for making strong and durable ropes, twines, and mats due to its high tensile strength and resistance to saltwater.
Brushes and brooms: The stiff and abrasive nature of coco fiber makes it ideal for the bristles of brushes and brooms used for scrubbing and cleaning.
Doormats and upholstery: Coco fiber is used to create durable and weatherproof doormats, as well as stuffing for furniture upholstery due to its coarse texture and ability to retain shape.
Construction materials: Coco fiber can be used as a reinforcement material in composite boards and bricks, adding strength and insulation properties.

2. Horticulture and Agriculture:

Soil amendment: Similar to cocopeat, chopped coco fiber can be mixed with soil to improve drainage and aeration, particularly beneficial for heavy clay soils.
Mulch: Coco fiber mulch helps retain moisture in the soil, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.
Hanging baskets and liners: Coco fiber liners for hanging baskets provide good drainage and aeration for plants while retaining moisture.



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