Kopyor coconut is a coconut plant that undergoes natural genetic mutation and is an abnormal fruit. In kopyor coconuts, the flesh of the fruit does not adhere to the coconut shell but is mixed with coconut water.
Kopyor coconut is actually a regular coconut that undergoes abnormalities during its growth and development. At first glance, the physical appearance of kopyor coconuts is not as attractive as normal coconuts. The inside appears lumpy, mixed up, and messy, in other words, unattractive.
The term “kopyor” itself, according to some people in Central Java, is called “garoh” and is a genetic abnormality in coconuts. The characteristics of this abnormality are soft fruit flesh that detaches from the shell, a small amount of coconut water, and a distinctive aroma different from regular coconut flesh.
Kopyor coconuts are highly preferred because they have a refreshing taste when served as a beverage. They are also used as an ingredient in cakes, both dry and moist, and as raw material for ice cream.
The flesh of kopyor coconut contains antioxidant compounds and lauric acid, ranging from 37.93% to 51%. Lauric acid is easily digested and absorbed by the body, functioning as an antibacterial, anticancer, and energy booster.
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